single mom succeed in a reliv home business.
work from home with low capital home business
"Unlocking Your Entrepreneural Spirit" by John Fleming
igot laid off 20 years ago and got into self employment with an mlm company called reliv, it’s low capital, low overhead home business one can work fromhome
Unlocking Your Entrepreneural Spirit was an article I came across in the SUCCESS FROM HOME magazine dated July 2006. At that time, I bought copies to give to my friends to share what I stumbled upon.
It explained why business ownership is on the rise, why people would be shifting towards working for oneself
A salary is no longer adequate nor secure in these days and time. It was 2006. The US subprime crisis about to happen .
John Fleming also provides a simple checklist on how to find the right business for oneself and how to stay focused on what you are aiming to achieve. Below is my favorite part of the article.
“4. Stay Focused On Your Dream
There will be many up’s and downs no matter what business you decide to start, It’s part of the right of passageof becoming an entrepreneur-taking the good with the bad. And there will be days when nothing goes right and you’ll debate whether you should pack it in.This is the time where you’ll need to work harder. Some of the most successful companies had to go through years of failure before they got it right. You will have to go through a similar process to discover what works for you.Like these business trailblazers,you will have days full of challenges and failures.But keep in mind they are your challenges and failures,not your’s how you deal with failure that will determine your ultimate success.”. John Fleming
It explained why business ownership is on the rise, why people would be shifting towards working for oneself
A salary is no longer adequate nor secure in these days and time. It was 2006. The US subprime crisis about to happen .
John Fleming also provides a simple checklist on how to find the right business for oneself and how to stay focused on what you are aiming to achieve. Below is my favorite part of the article.
“4. Stay Focused On Your Dream
There will be many up’s and downs no matter what business you decide to start, It’s part of the right of passageof becoming an entrepreneur-taking the good with the bad. And there will be days when nothing goes right and you’ll debate whether you should pack it in.This is the time where you’ll need to work harder. Some of the most successful companies had to go through years of failure before they got it right. You will have to go through a similar process to discover what works for you.Like these business trailblazers,you will have days full of challenges and failures.But keep in mind they are your challenges and failures,not your’s how you deal with failure that will determine your ultimate success.”. John Fleming
top check of reliv at$100k a month
top corporate executive enjoy time and family freedom with a reliv home business
writer succeed in a reliv business, enjoy time freedom and family time
mother do reliv to
stay home to care for 3 small children
below is reliv’s compensation plan
stay home to care for 3 small children
below is reliv’s compensation plan
reliv is a low cspital low overhead home business, one can start as a distributor at 20% profit with a low sign up fee: $20 in US /Canada, 28pounds in uk,35 euros in eu countries, Rm70 in malaysia and Singapore ( thru reliv malaysia, $56 in australia snd new zealand, P3500 in philippines ( includes) P2400 worth of reliv products.
operation avoided with use of reliv include heart bypass, heart transplant, pace maker operation trigger finger operation, diabetic foot amputation
RELIV does not claim cure, Reliv Is only a supplement snd has no therapeutic claims
to start reliv as a business, click link below to sign up, then click join as a distributor
click below to sign up, then click join as a distributor.
1. Sign-up as Pref Customer - $10 ( or get 20% when you sign up on autoship)
2. Sign up as distributor -$20
To be at 20%, if you reach retail value of :
$500 is 25%
$1,000 is 30%
$1,500 is 35%
$2500 is 35% for the first order and then 40% after breaking as MA.
1. Sign-up as Pref Customer - $10 ( or get 20% when you sign up on autoship)
2. Sign up as distributor -$20
To be at 20%, if you reach retail value of :
$500 is 25%
$1,000 is 30%
$1,500 is 35%
$2500 is 35% for the first order and then 40% after breaking as MA.
250points 25% profit
500 points 30% profit
1500 points 35% profit
2500 points 40 % profit( master affiliate)
master affiliate need to requalify once a year , else reverts to 35% profit if fail to requalify
Reliv has a one year buy back policy on the business
Points are cumulative within calendar month - this includes your purchase ( Personal volume) and your group ( your customers and distrib - PGPV refers to Personal and group point volume).
250points 25% profit
500 points 30% profit
1500 points 35% profit
2500 points 40 % profit( master affiliate)
master affiliate need to requalify once a year , else reverts to 35% profit if fail to requalify
Reliv has a one year buy back policy on the business
Points are cumulative within calendar month - this includes your purchase ( Personal volume) and your group ( your customers and distrib - PGPV refers to Personal and group point volume).